Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Save your biggest hug for me...

Hey all, so it is officially official... I am going up to Pennsylvania! We are planning on leaving this weekend, weather permitting. We are praying hard that the weather clears up and stays that way for our trip. It can get pretty ugly with the temperature as low as it has been.

I am SO looking forward to it! much so that I actually have the desire to send out my resume now. I can't really explain it, but I need this trip...really, really, really need it. I need to help take care of my Goddaughters and Aunt, and just be with them...outside of myself. Away from reality, away from knowing that when I get will be the last time in a very long time that I will be able to spend that long of a stretch with my girls, away from my job (when I get one, that is).

So here are some of the things I am most looking forward to...
* Picnic's with my girls, watching movies while eating snacks on the floor
*Seeing Madison figure skating (apparently she is several levels above age-appropriate, and has only been doing this for 6 months)...
Emma is dying to show off her new play pony stable...and I can't wait!
I get to go dress shopping with my BFF Beck for her wedding!
I am psyched to see my Aunts, I miss them terribly! My Aunt Jo will be thrilled when she finds out that I finally enjoy reading again...since I no longer have to read textbooks.
The girls are going crazy already now that they know we are coming...and the inevitable and un-relenting repitition of the words "how soon til they get here" and "are they here yet?" have begun. I bet my Aunt Brenda wishes she hadn't said anything yet... 'cause she will be hearing that until we arrive.
Madison, the smarty pants said "I will get to see them THREE times this year!!!!"
...followed by, "I am saving my biggest hug ever for Aunt Cat" sweet! Then began the listing of everything we have to do when I am there :).

So tomorrow, Aunt Cat will be sending out resume's, starting to gather items to pack, and purchasing rain/snow boots.

Please pray for good weather and safe travel!

2. dress shopping

1 comment:

A Lui said...

Family may not be perfect but they can put a smile on times when needed & its great you're giving that need during their dark times! :)