Friday, January 09, 2009


Well, this will come as no surprise to Sarah, resume is still not complete (serious brain fog... my fellow people with CFIDS can understand that). I have a problem with procrastination... !

I absolutely HATE packing! Love the trip, hate the packing that comes with.
This is aweful, but tonight I packed a small little tote bag type deal as an emergency bag. Threw in a blanket that reminds me of tinfoil, hand & feet warmers, some non perishable food, pen and paper, water, whistle, matches, newspaper for fire starting, flashlight, etc. I know it seems strange and slightly over-kill to pack such a bag, but I figured better safe than sorry.

Tomorrow will bring the last few loads of laundry, gathering more items to pack (gotta find camera charger and glasses), and who knows what else. I am hoping that I will get to see Sarah tomorrow!!!! Hint, hint!

P.S. Lefty went to the vets today and he was a trooper (I say as he scratches his face on my laptop)!!! We were really scared that the mass on his jaw was cancer, but Dr. Poston is pretty sure that it is just a cyst. She grabbed a syringe and lanced it, drew out the muck... I about fell over. She laughed because I used to work there, assisting in surgeries, etc... but apparently I lost the "vet" in, he's my baby. So all is well, got his rabies shot, and he has even gained a pound!
I am sure you all were dying to know that.
I will leave you with that sentiment.

1 comment:

A Lui said...

Glad to hear that Lefty is as healthy as he can be :) I do hope you get your resume done so can get the job you deserve! Also, good to know someone is thinking about everyone's safety lol!