Monday, January 12, 2009

Are we there yet?

Well, I finally made it up to PA!!! Most of the trip went great, but near the last leg we got so tired of interstates and heavy traffic that we took a back road. UGH.

Things I have learned in the past two days... when given the option of stopping for a restroom or using it while stopped, ALWAYS go... cause you never know when you will be stuck in accident traffic for 45 minutes, or stuck behind a school bus stopping every five feet.
****ALWAYS make sure there is tp before sitting down, lol
***do not eat corn dogs from a gas station
***it's not always a good idea to trust GPS 100%... it lies and gets confused
****never give a 7 year old your approximated time of arival, unless you want a lecture when you are not there in time to get her off the bus as promised. ...trouble.

In two days we got 6+ calls from the girls, mainly Madison (the 7 year old)... she wanted to know why we stopped at hotel... and when we would be there.
-She popped out of bed this morning SO excited, and I got the biggest hug EVER when we finally pulled in the driveway.
I am so thankful to be here safe and sound, thanks to all for the prayers.
I will keep you posted (as boring as it may be for you all...and amusing for a few of you).
--- as soon as Madison gets home from Brownies, I will attempt to beat her at Wii (and I just remembered that i forgot my nunchuck :(. Oh well.) It should still be fun!

1 comment:

A Lui said...

Wow! I thought all women come prepare with those things when traveling on the road? lol!! I'm grateful you did make it & hope you remember what you learned from the ride... yes technology is never perfect & that is why you always carry a regular map :)