Monday, August 20, 2012

Thoughts on healing; 2nd in the series

Hey everyone. I just realized that I didn't really give any background to what I'm doing. Someone gave me a tiny box right before my 1st surgery with a small stack of cards inside and its called "a box of thoughts on healing". Each card holds an inspirational message related in some way to healing physically, mentally or emotionally. So, with that said... Here is todays thought on healing....

"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."

I'm taking the healing into my own hands and enjoying life as a single and Godly woman who is daily striving for a closer walk. The opportunity to heal is mine, and I refuse to hand that over or allow to anyone else to toy with or try to change. I'm a strong, confident, and immensely life loving woman with a lot to offer. It's about time I allow it to enter in.

Until next time, tell me your thoughts on the post and how YOU plan to integrate this into YOUR life.

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